2023 Truth Pursuit
Paul’s Epistle to the Romans
How we thank the Lord for leading the church in New York City all these years, especially seen with the banners the last few years. Our banners this year are 1) truth constitution, 2) the prayer ministry, and 3) loving the Lord and loving one another. As we announced at the citywide meeting on February 5, to carry out the burden of truth constitution, we hope that many saints would dive into the book of Romans.
For this study on Romans, we have prepared two syllabi that each cover a period of 40 weeks. There is a Level 1 syllabus and a Level 2 syllabus, which are attached to this email. Saints who follow along Level 1 will be able to read through the book of Romans twice and the Life-study of Romans once within a year, following the sequence of the Life-studies. Each week features Scripture reading, one to two Life-study messages, and two light study questions. Level 2 follows the sequence of the verses in Romans, focusing on crucial points of the truth. Saints who follow Level 2 will prayerfully read through the book of Romans with the Life-study messages, along with other assigned and supplemental material. Level 2 also includes suggested verse references and hymns for study, as well as questions that require more prayer and consideration. The weekly corporate reading will follow the Level 1 schedule, and the Friday night crucial truths Bible study meeting will follow the Level 2 schedule.