God’s Calling in the Old Testament

Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding Lessons on God’s Calling in the Old Testament

Feb. 12, 2023


  • REVISED AIM: To show the children that God created man in His image, and gave man the highest place among His creation so He could have a relationship with man. 
  • For this lesson, we want to go beyond the previous weeks, where we emphasized that man is different from animals. Focus is that God wants a relationship with us. God was walking in the garden with Adam, not with dogs and cats.  
  • God made us with a mind, emotion and will, so we can think like Him, feel like Him, and choose like Him. By obeying Him (fourth application), we are doing what God wants.
  • Man is God’s masterpiece. There’s a relationship. God was pleased to come into the garden. Adam was able to understand and talk to God. God entrusted Adam with His creation. God spent time with Adam.
  • God wanted man to know Him and be friends with Him. He wants to be your friend. 
  • Don’t focus or show any pictures of Adam and Eve and their attempt to cover nakedness. This may become a distraction to children. Rather, emphasize context that they had sinned. So they sewed leaves to cover themselves. Something very bad happened. 
  • This is not in the lesson, but we can emphasize God’s relationship with man. When Adam and Eve hid after they sinned, God called to man and asked, “Where are you?” God came to call them.  
  • Beware of making the lesson too spiritual. 
  • No need to cover points 2 and 3 in application because those don’t relate to the new aim.

Feb. 19, 2023


  • Focus on the storytelling. We don’t need to spend that much time sermonizing the children with the applications. Rather, just tell them the story. 
  • In this lesson, we see that God’s calling continues. He called the parents. He called the children. But Cain did not listen. 
  • By following the parents, Abel was following God’s way.
  • Following God’s ways includes telling the truth and confessing our wrongdoings, not lying, and not hiding or blaming others when we do something wrong. 
  • God had warned Cain, but he didn’t repent. Instead, he became angry and acted on it. 
  • Adam’s reaction was to hide. Cain’s reaction was to get angry. Sometimes we get defensive and blame other people. 
  • We discussed whether we need to mention that the blood was needed for forgiveness. Probably no need to get into details. If the children ask, we can mention that this was God’s way. Sacrifice of an animal was needed for the forgiveness of sins. 
  • Be angry but do not sin. As someone put it, anger is one letter away from danger.

Feb. 26, 2023


  • This lesson has a short story. Our main focus is that the children can tell God everything, whether it’s joyful or sad. Focus again on the idea of having a relationship/friendship with God.
  • We can tell the facts that after Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commandment, that same day, they were cut off from the tree of life and from the presence of God.
  • Sometime after Abel was killed and after Cain was driven out from God’s presence, Adam and Eve had another son named Seth. Then when Seth grew up, he had a son whom he named Enosh, which means “frail, mortal man”. This name Enosh shows us that by that time Seth and his family realized that man was a weak and frail creature that would one day die.
  • Some children may be more thoughtful and ask, who did Cain marry? We should be prepared to answer in a simple way and then direct them back to the main point of the lesson. We can simply say that we do not know because God didn’t tell us. The Bible only tells us what we need to know and things that relate to us.
  • Enosh was the first man that called upon the name of the Lord.
  • Since the children are young and may not yet be regenerated, our presentation of “calling on the Lord” should not be according to an adult’s understanding of calling on the Lord’s name to contact Him in our spirit. Rather, this lesson should be at their level of encouraging them to pray using the Lord’s name in a simple, prayerful way. There are some practical examples in the lesson itself – such as being afraid of the dark, or being stressed about school. It’s okay for them to tell their parents, and it’s also good for them to pray with their parents about such things. 
  • We can tell the Lord our joys too. We can change some of the examples about happiness so that it doesn’t have to relate to reaching a goal or getting a new thing. We can be happy just to spend time with our family. 

Mar. 5, 2023


  • God wants a relationship/friendship with man. Enoch was close with God, and God enjoyed him so much that God took him. Enoch didn’t die.
  • Ask the kids, who do you know the most? You know that person well because you spend a lot of time with them. 
  • We can get to know the Lord in various ways. For example, the more you learn the verses in the Bible and the more you talk to the Lord, the more you get to know Him.
  • We should be ready for the Lord’s return. We want Him to be happy with us too.

The first application is important – in the midst of the evil age, we can be those who follow God. Many people didn’t follow God, but Enoch did follow God. We don’t have to cover all the other applications.

Mar. 12, 2023


  • We are covering Noah in two lessons over two weeks. 
  • There is a lot of story to tell for Noah, and we can speak the facts to the children including the dimensions of the ark, how long it took Noah to build it, and that he followed instructions from God. Many people have heard about this story, but to get the details correct, you must read the Bible.
  • It might be helpful to show pictures. Try to find accurate pictures, NOT the puffy ark with animal heads sticking out.
  • Like Enoch, Noah also did not go along with the ungodliness that was all around.
  • Note that many erroneously think that there were only one pair of each kind of animal. But there were 7 pairs (14) of each of the clean animals.

Mar. 19, 2023


  • Review the first part of the story briefly for those who were not present.
  • Continue the facts about the story of Noah.
  • God always remembers us and cares for us. 
  • Regarding Noah’s sons and daughters-in-law, we don’t know if they had a close relationship with God directly, but they followed Noah into the ark and were also saved. 
  • Rainbow – tell them the meaning and the reminder of God’s faithfulness and love.

Creation – Lessons for Younger Children

(Lessons for Younger Children)

Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding the Creation Lessons

Next all district fellowship: Monday, Dec. 12, 2022 at 8:00-9:30pm.

Oct. 16, 2022

Lesson 1 – L1 Creation – God Made Our World (Lesson)

Oct. 23, 2022

Lesson 2 – L1 Creation – Light and Darkness (Lesson)

  • The lesson contains ideas of how to contrast light and darkness visually for the children, such as bringing in a flashlight or turning off the lights in the room.
  • In addition, another idea is to bring a shoebox with an opening cut into it. The children are not allowed to look as they feel the object inside. Contrast with when they look with light, they can see right away what the object is.
  • We can also highlight God’s faithfulness in making the sun rise every day.
  • Suggested songs:
    9503 God Commanded Light to Shine;
    9009 God is so Good to Me!

Oct. 30, 2022

Lesson 3 Part 1 and 2 – L1 Creation – Day and Night (Lesson)

  • The existing lesson addresses both Day and Night in one lesson. We decided to split this lesson into two weeks to expand on Day and Night.
  • We can use the same memory verse for both weeks. Genesis 1:5a “And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.”
PART 1 of 2 (Oct 30)
  • Show them pictures of daytime versus nighttime.
  • Discuss activities we do during the daytime: wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, play outdoors, go to the children’s meetings, etc.
  • Give children a paper with one light side and the other side dark.  It can also be a circle shape.
  • Cut out circles from oak tag paper and paste cut out of activities people do during the day like play or ride bikes. 
  • Suggested Songs:
    15 Walking with Jesus;
    49 This is the Day that the Lord has Made;
    9042 I Can Come to Jesus Every Single Day

Nov. 6, 2022

Lesson 3 Part 1 and 2 – L1 Creation – Day and Night (Lesson)

  • The existing lesson addresses both Day and Night in one lesson. We decided to split this lesson into two weeks to expand on Day and Night.
  • We can use the same memory verse for both weeks. Genesis 1:5a “And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.”
PART 2 of 2 (Nov 6)
  • The second part of the lesson, covered the following week, will focus on night. God made both Day and Night. What are some things we should do at night? We can eat dinner, get ready for bed, brush our teeth, change into pajamas, set our clothes for the next day, read a bedtime story, etc. 
  • God knows that we need to rest at night. If the sun was up all day, that would not be good for us. We need the night to rest. 
  • Suggested songs:
    We can repeat some songs from Part A. We don’t have a specific song about just night, but this song talks about the earth turning to produce day and night.
    9006 Not Too Fast, Not Too Slow

Nov. 13, 2022

Lesson 4 – L1 Creation – Expanse-Heaven (Lesson)

Nov. 20, 2022

Lesson 5 – L1 Creation – Water (Lesson)

  • Show a lot of visuals of living things needing water – from plants to pets/animals to humans. Photos and videos would be good.
  • God had to make water before we could be on the Earth. The kids can all drink water all together.
  • Possibly even bring in a small plant that the children can take turns spritzing with water. If circumstances allow, a small goldfish in a bowl can also be a demonstration.
  • Suggested Songs:

Nov. 27, 2022

Thanksgiving Weekend

  1. Since many children may be away for the Thanksgiving conference or family events, we will not cover a new lesson. For older and younger children, we plan to review God’s creation in between the songs, using the lyrics as a way to discuss key points. 
  2. Suggested Songs to help review overall creation lessons:

Dec. 4, 2022

Lesson 6 – L1 Creation – Dry Land-Soil-Rock (Lesson)

Dec. 11, 2022

Lesson 7 – L1 Creation – Plants-Seeds (Part 1) (Lesson)

  • We plan to split this lesson into two separate weeks.
  • Cover the first two bullet points including:  (1) Seeds can produce living things. (2) Plants need something special to sustain life.
  • Activity: We can have the children plant something simple. For example, bean seeds are fairly easy to grow. We can help them plant a seed to care for. Since this is a two-part lesson, the kids could plant the seeds during the first lesson and then the serving ones can take the home, care for them, and bring them back the following week so we can see if they grew. 
  • We split this lesson into two weeks because the planting activity will take time. Kids can also decorate a name sticker label for their plant.
  • In addition to the craft ideas in the lesson, another possibility is creating a collage of fallen leaves.
  • Suggested snack could be fruit for both weeks of the plant/seeds lesson. (Note: Please check with parents for permission before feeding children snacks.)
  • Suggested Songs:

Dec. 18, 2022

Lesson 7 – L1 Creation – Plants-Seeds (Part 2) (Lesson)

  • This lesson continues last week’s lesson, covering the third bullet point: Bring in samples of seeds and different fruit. Have the children guess which seeds will produce what fruit (apple, pumpkin, cucumber, watermelon, avocado, etc.)
  • We can also play a matching game: Identify which fruit goes with which seeds. Draw or print out fruits or seedlings on a piece of paper. Have the children match the physical seed with the correct picture.
  • The matching game may be better so that all the children can participate. A guessing game may be more difficult because some children may not know as much as others. Try to engage all the children.
  • Discuss and see if their plant from the prior week grew.
  • See prior week’s song suggestions.

Dec. 25, 2022

Lesson 8 – Creation – Sun and Moon

  • This lesson will be very similar to the lesson on Day and Night, emphasizing activities that occur during the day when the sun is out and activities that occur at night when the moon is out.
  • Bible Verse: Genesis 1:14a “And God said, Let there be light-bearers…to separate the day from the night…”
  • Song Suggestion:
    #9010 God’s Design Song #10: You Are Mindful of Man Psalms 8:4a

Jan. 1, 2023

Lesson 9A – Creation – Seasons: Spring

  • The next lesson on seasons will be split into 4 lessons.
  • Bible Verse: Psalms 104:19a “He made the moon to mark seasons;”
  • In addition to the story suggestions in the original lesson plan, we can also show the different types of clothing worn for each season. In Springtime, we may wear raincoats and rain boots.  
  • Bring samples of flowers to show the children.
  • Show pictures of birds nests with eggs.
  • Song Suggestion: #9512 – Look at All the Flowers

Jan. 8, 2023

Lesson 9B – Creation – Seasons: Summer

  • Bible Verse: Psalms 104:19a “He made the moon to mark seasons;”
  • In addition to the story suggestions in the original lesson plan, we can also show the different types of clothing worn for each season. In Summer, we may wear shorts, tee shirts, or bathing suits.
  • Highlight the temperature difference between the seasons, emphasizing the heat of the summer.
  • Talk about the different activities we do in the summer: swimming, going to the beach, going to the park, etc.
  • Song Suggestion: #9119 – Rain From Heaven

Jan. 15, 2023

Lesson 9C – Creation – Seasons: Fall

  • Bible Verse: Psalms 104:19a “He made the moon to mark seasons;”
  • In addition to the story suggestions in the original lesson plan, we can also show the different types of clothing worn for each season. In Summer, we may wear shorts, tee shirts, or bathing suits.
  • Highlight the temperature difference between the seasons, emphasizing the heat of the summer.
  • Talk about the different activities we do in the summer: swimming, going to the beach, going to the park, etc.
  • Song Suggestion: #9119 – Rain From Heaven

Jan. 22, 2023

Lesson 9D – Creation – Seasons: Winter

  • Bible Verse: Psalms 104:19a “He made the moon to mark seasons;”
  • In addition to the story suggestions in the original lesson plan, we can also show the different types of clothing worn for each season. In Summer, we may wear shorts, tee shirts, or bathing suits.
  • Highlight the temperature difference between the seasons, emphasizing the heat of the summer.
  • Talk about the different activities we do in the summer: swimming, going to the beach, going to the park, etc.
  • Song Suggestion: #9119 – Rain From Heaven

Jan. 29, 2023

Lesson 10A Creation – Animals of the Water – General – Smaller Fish (Goldfish, Flounder, Salmon, Angel fish…etc)
(Creation Lesson 13 & 14 in the PDF)

  • Emphasize the fact that God created all the sea animals for man’s help, food and enjoyment. 
  • Since we are covering animals of the sea in multiple lessons, we can focus on a few at a time, showing videos and photos. We should just show a few and discuss rather than showing too many.
  • As we see all the wonderful creatures God made, we can keep reminding the children each week about God as the Creator. He is so creative in the colors and details we see. 
  • For this lesson, we can discuss & distinguish types of fish we see as pets and types of fish we eat.
  • Some zoos and aquariums have live cams that the children can view together. 
  • Suggested Songs:

Feb. 5, 2023

Lesson 10B Creation – Animals (multiple lesson) – Animals of the Water – Larger Fish & Mammals (Whales, Sharks, Dolphins, Narwhals)
(Creation Lesson 13 & 14 in the PDF)

  • Emphasize the fact that God created all the sea animals for man’s help, food and enjoyment. 
  • Since we are covering animals of the sea in multiple lessons, we can focus on a few at a time, showing videos and photos. We should just show a few rather than showing too many.
  • As we see all the wonderful creatures God made, we can keep reminding the children each week about God as the Creator. He is so creative in the colors and details we see. 
  • For this lesson, we can show videos and photos of some larger fish and mammals in the sea, such as whales, sharks, dolphins and narwhals. The children may be interested to see the size of some of these sea creatures compared to objects that they know. 
  • Some zoos and aquariums have live cams that the children can view together. 
  • Suggested Songs:

Feb. 12, 2023

Lesson 10C Creation – Animals (multiple lesson) – Land/Water Creatures (Walruses, Sea Lions, Sea Turtles, Penguins)
(Creation Lesson 13 & 14 in the PDF)

  • Emphasize the fact that God created all the sea animals for man’s help, food and enjoyment. 
  • Since we are covering animals of the sea in multiple lessons, we can focus on a few at a time, showing videos and photos. We should just show a few rather than showing too many.
  • As we see all the wonderful creatures God made, we can keep reminding the children each week about God as the Creator. He is so creative in the colors and details we see. 
  • For this lesson, we can talk about sea creatures that also live on the land, such as walruses, sea lions, sea turtles and penguins. It would be helpful to show videos and photos. 
  • Some zoos and aquariums have live cams that the children can view together. 
  • Suggested Songs:


Feb. 19, 2023

Lesson 10D Creation – Animals (multiple lesson) – Animals of the Water – Shellfish & Miscellaneous Fish – (Shrimp, Lobster, Clams, Crabs, Octopus, Jellyfish, Sea Urchin, Starfish)
(Creation Lesson 13 & 14 in the PDF)

  • Emphasize the fact that God created all the sea animals for man’s help, food and enjoyment. 
  • Since we are covering animals of the sea in multiple lessons, we can focus on a few at a time, showing videos and photos. We should just show a few rather than showing too many.
  • As we see all the wonderful creatures God made, we can keep reminding the children each week about God as the Creator. He is so creative in the colors and details we see. 
  • For this lesson, we can focus on shellfish and other interesting miscellaneous fish, such as shrimp, lobster, clams, crabs, octopus, jellyfish, sea urchin and starfish. It would help to show videos and photos. Ask the children if they have ever seen any of these creatures at an aquarium or zoo. 
  • For sea creatures that are also food, we can ask if the children have ever eaten any of these foods. 
  • Some zoos and aquariums have live cams that the children can view together.
  • Suggested Songs:


Feb. 26, 2023

Lesson 10E Creation – Animals (multiple lesson) – Birds that Fly Above the Earth)
(Creation Lesson 15 in the PDF)

  • Emphasize the fact that God created all the birds for man’s help, food, enjoyment, and companionship. 
  • Eagles, hawks, condors, parrots, blue jays, cardinals, nightingales, doves, hummingbirds, etc.
  • We can focus on a few birds at a time, showing videos and photos. 
  • God can use these birds for His purpose as in the example of Noah sending the dove from the ark to find land.  Another example is God sending food to Elijah using ravens. 
  • As we see all the wonderful creatures God made, we can keep reminding the children each week about God as the Creator. He is so creative in the colors and features we see. 
  • For this lesson, we can focus on birds that fly.
  • Some zoos and aquariums have live cams that the children can view together.
  • Suggested Songs:


Mar. 5, 2023

Lesson 10F Creation – Animals (multiple lessons) – Birds that Don’t Fly) – Ostriches, Emus and Penguins
(Creation Lesson 15 in the PDF)

  • Emphasize the fact that God created all the birds for man’s help, food, enjoyment, and companionship. 
  • We can focus on a few birds at a time, showing videos and photos. 
  • As we see all the wonderful creatures God made, we can keep reminding the children each week about God as the Creator. He is so creative in the colors and features we see. 
  • For this lesson, we can focus on birds that do not fly, such as ostriches, emus and penguins. 
  • Some zoos and aquariums have live cams that the children can view together.
  • Suggested Songs:



Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding the Creation Lessons

Sept. 11, 2022

The Triune God and His Great Plan (Part 1 of 2)

  • This lesson with its two parts is a kind of introduction and overview. The goal is to find out what the children know, wonder about, believe about God and His creation, and to inspire them with the awe inspiring truth about our Creator in a general way. Many details will come out in the lessons that follow.
  • All three points of the approach are important. (1) You are not actually taking a “survey” but having more of a conversation to see what the children think about God. Ask the children “Who is God?” Be prepared with follow up questions in case the children do not respond much. (What is God like? How did the earth, universe, trees and flowers get here?) This will help us gauge where the children are at before we begin the lesson. (2) Throughout the lesson, use visuals (photographs or videos) of God’s creation including the night sky, the galaxy, etc. 
  • The third part of the approach can be combined with the beginning of the lesson (I.Who is God? A. The creator of the universe) to demonstrate that the creation is not by accident. Bring props such as a bag of building blocks (e.g., Legos), or other craft supplies. The children can take turns shaking the bag. Could something be built by accident from doing that? Contrast the mess with something carefully built by hand. Section B of the lesson helps to illustrate the above point with examples of details of the universe which could not have randomly come together. You do not have to get through each example. The children may know some impressive details as well.
  • God is invisible. This is not an unrelated point. Many people do not believe that God created the heavens and the earth because they cannot see God and they do not know God. Use the examples to impress the children that just because something cannot be seen does not mean that thing is not real.
  • Prayer. Do not be too spiritual with the point on prayer. Stories of your experience as a child can be helpful. 

Sept. 18, 2022

The Triune God and His Great Plan (Part 2 of 2)

  • Review briefly the points from last week’s lesson. If children were absent the previous week, find out their thoughts about God.
  • God is eternal. This is a fact impossible for our limited minds to really grasp. Allow the children to express the difficulty of comprehending in order to illustrate that God is much greater than we are. In many ways He is “beyond our finding out.” (Romans 11:33; Isaiah 55:9)
  • God is One, yet He is Triune (three). This should be a simple explanation to help the children not to be confused. In CM we have seen children answer a question with “God, no, Jesus, wait, is that the same thing..?” This brief portion should help to clear that up. It is a mystery. We have one God, yet He is Father, Son and Spirit.
  • II. What is God doing? What is His Great Plan? The first paragraph of this section with its emphasis on the triune God is probably too much for the children. It is more important to simply impress the children that the creation of the world and all the things in it was only a preparation for the making of man. (Help the girls understand that man refers to mankind, not just the males.)
  • Only man is made in the image of God. This is not for preaching the gospel and talking about containing God. Do, however, emphasize that we are different from all the animals.

Sept. 25, 2022

God Created the Heavens and the Earth

We will cover up to II. B. and leave letter C for the following week

  • I. The reasons God created – The reasons God created also show us more about God. These points are probably things the children have never heard about or thought about.
  • God has a pleasure – He is pleased with creation. (When you share examples about how we also take pleasure in things, mention that this also shows we are made in God’s image; we are similar in many ways.)
  • God created with a purpose – This purpose centers around man. The points here reinforce what has been shared in the lessons on God’s Calling; God already knows us and chose us. Now we add that this took place even before creation.
  • II. God is our source, our beginning A. Emphasize that since our existence comes from God, we should praise Him and thank HIm. (This is the main application for this week.)
  • In this section addressing the age of the earth, many things may come up. If the children are aware of the timeline of the Bible, they may have questions about the earth being billions of years old. We did not fellowship about whether or not to address the gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. If children have questions about dinosaurs and such, then you can simply explain that there is a time period that is not addressed in detail in the Bible. But the Bible does imply a gap of time. The Recovery Version translation is helpful: Gn 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Gn 1:2 But the earth became waste and emptiness, and darkness was on the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was brooding upon the surface of the waters.)
  • Create vs. make – In English we generally use these words interchangeably, but this distinction is according to what God did in creation.

Oct. 2, 2022

God Created the Heavens and the Earth

  • C. That man may know God and His eternal power from creation (Romans 1:19-20). This week’s lesson is to accomplish this. Through the sharing of the details of the universe, children should see something more about God and be in awe? 
  • The starry heaven is great (and so is God) Share the details with pictures.
  • The universe is upheld by His great power. Hebrews 1:3 can be added as I don’t think the lesson mentions it anywhere. These two points match the first two applications – God is great and powerful and wise.
  • The universe is kept orderly. There are so many details in this section to share and the children may know more. Wonderful CD#8  In this song you can sing some of the details. This goes along with the last application that God is exact.

Oct. 9, 2022

God Created Light

  • The background should be covered in a brief way even for the K-2 children, because the following lessons make reference to it. The paragraph is concise and clear including the verses. No need to expound or expand, possibly speak less, not more. 
  • In addition to the term “creation”, these lessons often use the word “restoration”.
  • Contrast light and darkness. If possible darken the room and shine a single small flashlight. Light breaks through the darkness.
  • God’s word is powerful. “And God said, Let there be light and there was light” Gen. 1:3

Oct. 16, 2022

God Created the Air and the Sky (Atmosphere)

  • Lots of pictures are helpful with this lesson (as with most of these lessons).
  • This lesson begins to illustrate a point that should be emphasized in many of the following lessons – God’s creation is very specific and detailed because He was creating  the perfect environment for us!
  • There are many fun, scientific details in this lesson. The children may already know some and may know others. Enjoy appreciating these facts together and continue to emphasize that these details show God’s detailed, specific care for us. God loves us so much!

Oct. 23, 2022

God Created the Land and the Seas

  • Light, air, land and sea. The order of creation shows God’s wisdom.
  • If you made a craft on the days of creation, you can reference it throughout these lessons. This lesson and the next are the third day.
  • Again there are many details describing the earth. Ask the children what our earth is made of. They may know many of these details. Now we can help them connect these facts to God’s wisdom and His love for us. 

Oct. 30, 2022

God Created Plant Life

  • This lesson is still covering the third day of creation.
  • The approach can be used in the beginning as an approach and/or throughout the lesson as you are talking about the plants and the various details of the plants.
  • Help the children learn the names of fruits and vegetables that they may be unfamiliar with.
  • This lesson begins to illustrate another point that is emphasized in many of the following lessons: We can understand what God is like by looking at His creation. (Romans 1:20 footnote 2a. And Psalms 19:1) This likeness is not to be applied in a spiritual way for the children. We should just focus on the physical light in the universe. God has given us light consistently even in the rising of the sun each day; that light is crucial to sustain life. 

Nov. 6, 2022

The Triune God Created the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (Part 1 of 3)

  • These three lessons go together with a special emphasis on one of the heavenly bodies each lesson. 
  • There are a lot of scientific details in each lesson. Avoid covering every detail and every application; that will be too much for the children. Rather, pick a few points to focus on, and also allow the children to tell us what they know. Make it more interactive.
  • The children may know many of the facts presented in the lesson, but it is our job to impress the children that the awesomeness in creation comes from God our Creator. They may learn facts from school, but this is not attributed to God. We want to instill the awesomeness of God in them. 
  • The suggested Bible Story Songs in the lessons contain a lot of the information that will also be covered in the lesson. You might want to use the singing time to cover some of the details through song. 
  • Among other reasons, God gives us the sun to make us happy. The sun can affect our mood.
  • The many details presented show us that God is precise, not sloppy, especially in HIs care for us. While there are character points, our focus is more on creation.

Nov. 13, 2022

The Triune God Created the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (Part 2 of 3)

  • This lesson builds on the previous lesson. The sun rules the day and the moon and stars provide light in the dark.
  • Engage the children. Find out the facts they know. Use the questions in the approach one at a time as a springboard into the facts of the lesson. As with the prior lesson, we should not try to cover everything, but rather focus on a few points.
  • Emphasize Points II & III, which really hit the aim – our God is faithful, wise, caring, fresh and forever new. The continuous repetition of day and night shows God’s faithfulness. God is so wise to give us both. We need the day and we need the night. God is so caring. He gives us new days and new starts, showing he is always fresh and new
  • The children can appreciate being happy to come home after a long day at school. Even when we have a bad day, the day ends and we have a fresh start the next morning.

Nov. 20, 2022

The Triune God Created the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (Part 3 of 3)

  • There is no need to cover all the facts in this lesson especially with the younger children. Stars are awe inspiring. The youngest children know the classic song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”; that song shows that people have gazed at and wondered about the stars for a long time. 
  • This lesson impresses us that God is so vast! We can use some of the practical examples in the lesson to demonstrate, like how long it would take to reach a star, like driving a car (or riding in a car) for 100 years! 
  • Try to impress the older children concerning the vast expanse of the universe. It is just the breadth of God’s hands. His wisdom is beyond our finding out.
  • You may find some children know many more facts than others. In order to encourage participation by everyone instead of just a few, try giving out index cards with various facts pre-written to the children. They can take turns reading their facts one at a time, and we can expand on it and discuss each one. This way more children can participate.

Nov. 27, 2022

Creation Review (Thanksgiving weekend)

  • Some families may be away for the Thanksgiving conference. We plan to have an extended singing time using some of the many creation songs we have been singing over the past weeks to review creation and praise our wonderful Creator. Have a special craft time or game time after singing, since the “lesson” will be during singing. 
  • You may want to put up banner paper to create a creation mural as a review. Perhaps the children can draw something from creation that they like, adding to the mural.
  • Districts can coordinate. Perhaps those with only a few remaining children that weekend can Zoom into another hall’s singing time. 
Suggested Songs to help review overall creation lessons:

Dec. 4, 2022

The Triune God Created Fish

  • Each of these lessons has a lot of details. Given its length, it’s preferable to just select a few examples and get into them, showing pictures, photos and videos, rather than try to cover the entire lesson. 
  • Also engage the kids to see how much they know. They could guess the names of fish as you show photos. We can show the different zones in the ocean.
  • This lesson talks about “fish” but we can include other sea creatures like whales, that are mammals in the ocean.
  • Highlight that God is creative. He made so many varieties with many amazing features. Help the children appreciate the diversity of God’s creation.

Dec. 11, 2022

The Triune God Created Birds

  • We can focus more on the actual birds, rather than the experiential portions of the lesson which may be too much for the children. Cover only Part I – God Created Many Different Kinds of Birds and Part II – Why Birds Can Fly and Man Can’t.
  • SKIP the last paragraph, III. Man’s Life – Earthbound. This part may be too experiential for the children.
  • Emphasize that God is infinitely wise as we discuss the details of various birds.
  • As with the fish lesson, there are many examples in the lesson, and we do not need to cover everything. Rather, we can focus on a few examples and show pictures, photos and videos. 
  • Engage the children. They can tell what they know about birds, and also see if they can identify various birds through the photos.
  • When we see birds, we can be reminded that the Lord takes care of our needs even more than the birds. He cares for us very much.

Dec. 18, 2022


  • Because all the details in the lesson will be too much for one week, we will cover it in two weeks, focusing on God’s creation this first week.
  • We can use the approach: Ask the children to name their favorite animal and why. If they had to choose to be an animal, what would it be? Probably very few, if any, would say they want to be a donkey or an ox, serving man. 
  • For this lesson, we can focus on animals that are useful to man and serve man, ox, sheep, camel, donkey. 
  • Focus on God’s care for us in creating animals so useful to man (second application point)
  • Third application point shows God’s heart of love to care for the animals. Some of the children may have pets they need to care for in a loving, faithful way.
  • Avoid using the word “ass” to describe the animal as that word may bear a negative connotation for some children. Use the word “donkey” instead. It is synonymous. 
  • Use photos, pictures and videos as it will help engage the children.
  • Be ready to dwell on animals that seem to pique the kids’ interest more than others.
  • Creation is still the main point of this lesson (and this entire series). Next week however, we will relate this to the Lord Jesus, showing how He came to serve and not to be served. 

Dec. 25, 2022


  • Review last week’s points. Ask the children what God created on the 6th day. Ask for some specific examples of “cattle.”
  • Review how these animals “serve” man.
  • A recurring point in this series is that creation testifies of God. (Romans 1:20) Use the third application point focusing only on the ox. The Son of man came to serve (The others are more allegorical. No need to mention those or the word allegory.)
  • Finish with the final application point. We can also serve others.
  • If children start to complain and moan about doing chores or being helpers, remind them that they can also be like the birds and sing. Singing to the Lord while you work will make you happy. You will feel “free as a bird.”

Jan. 1, 2023

God Created Animals and Creeping Things (Part 2 of 2 – Creeping Things)

  • We are covering creeping things this week, but this lesson will be split into two because there is too much content for one week. 
  • In this lesson, we can focus on just two creatures: spiders and earthworms. We will cover bees and ants next week.
  • There are many interesting details in this lesson. We don’t have to cover all the details because it would be too much, but it would be good to show some videos and photos of the spiders. While there are some website links in the lesson, please check to make sure they are still functioning and screen them before using. 
  • In addition to noting all the special features that God designed for spiders, it may be worth noting that man has tried to imitate many things from God’s creation. For example, man makes doors like the trapdoor spider. We make scuba diving equipment and submarines, like an underwater scuba spider that can form a bubble of air for itself. 
  • We can see the wisdom of God in these creeping things. Orb weaving spiders have radial lines that are not sticky. Only certain parts of the web are actually sticky to catch prey, and the spider knows to walk on the non-sticky silk. 
  • We can also include earthworms in this lesson, including the wisdom of God in designing them to help with composting.

Jan. 8, 2023

God Created Animals and Creeping Things (Part 2 of 2 – Creeping Things)

  • We are continuing the same lesson as last week, but this time, focusing on the some positive creeping things, bees and ants, and also contrasting with a negative example, the locusts. The negative example is only for the older kids.
  • As in past weeks, we can show the children some videos and photos to make an impression on God’s creation. 
  • Bees and ants are both industrious. God instructs us to look at the creation to learn lessons. Proverbs 6:6-8 “v.6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; / Consider its ways, and be wise, v.7 Which, having no chief, / Officer, or ruler, v.8 Prepares its food in summer / And gathers its sustenance in the harvest.”
  • We can examine different types of ants in our lesson. Focus on the positive ones. 
  • In contrast, we also also take a look at the destructive nature of locusts, and mention to the older kids (not the little ones) that locusts can be considered a symbol of activities that “eat up” our time. Talk about examples of when we waste time, and also positive ways we can use our time wisely.  

Jan. 15, 2023

The Triune God Created Man – His Masterpiece

  • In this lesson on God’s creation of man, we can emphasize that man is not the same as animals. We are much higher in God’s order of creation than the animals. This is more an introductory lesson, and the following week will get into much more details about mankind.
  • There are many ways people are distinct from animals. Man and animals are NOT on the same level. Although animals have abilities that God gave them, animals don’t pray, they don’t worship the Lord, they don’t have a sense of right and wrong, etc. 
  • We are made in the image and likeness of God inwardly and outwardly. We have a conscience that can tell us right or wrong. 
  • God made us so wonderfully. We can mention this in a general way, but save the details for the next lesson.

Jan. 22, 2023

Man is God’s Masterpiece to Fulfill God’s Purpose

  • In this lesson, we can focus on the details of the human body to show God as the Creator and also to show God’s wisdom. 
  • Because of the length of this lesson and the numerous details, we can split this lesson into three weeks.
  • This week, we will focus on only Point I – God Created Us in a Wonderful Way. There are many interesting details about the heart, brain, skin, circulatory system, etc. which we can discuss and also show through photos and videos. Even a few details can fill the time and impress the children. 
  • Even in the mother’s womb, a baby’s heart starts beating only after about 4 weeks of pregnancy. Before we were born, God already knew us and chose us!

Jan. 29, 2023

Man is God’s Masterpiece to Fulfill God’s Purpose

  • This week, we will continue the lesson covering Point II – God created man as the most intelligent being on earth. We will cover Point III the following week.
  • We can show through pictures what animals can make, next to the much higher capability of mankind. For example, beavers make dams, but man can construct buildings, bridges, space shuttles, etc.
  • Man was also given responsibility. Adam named all the animals, and also took care of the garden of Eden. Man also needs to be responsible for God’s creation. 
  • It is also impressive to show what man could do even before computers and modern machinery were invented. For example, pyramids. Sailors also made it across the ocean without the help of GPS, navigating by use of stars and other means. 
  • Intelligence is also seen even in toddlers, who can write a simple poem. 

Feb. 5, 2023

Man is God’s Masterpiece to Fulfill God’s Purpose

  • This is the third and last week we are covering this lesson. We will cover Point III. Man is for God to impress the children about caring for our vessel. 
  • Impress the children that even before we were born, God already knew us and chose us. God was very pleased when you were born.
  • In addition to all the differences between animals and man that we covered in the prior weeks, man is also special because we were made as vessels. We can show examples of different vessels such as a vase. A vessel is an object made to contain, hold or receive something. 
  • We need to be careful what we take into our vessel, not just physically but also inwardly. 

God’s Calling in the New Testament

Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding the next few God’s Calling Lessons

April 10, 2022

God’s Calling in the NT: In the Gospels – John the Baptist

In this lesson, our focus is to follow the Lord, who called us, rather than merely following traditions or the way other people are doing things. Both John the Baptist and his parents, Zachariah and Elizabeth, did things God’s way.

  • Briefly explain the OT vs. NT. The OT is the part of the Bible that tells about God and His people before the Lord Jesus was born. The NT covers the period when the Lord Jesus was born and afterwards. God had called His people in the OT. Now in the NT, God’s people, the Jews, had again turned their hearts away from Him. They had become disobedient, sinful, hard-hearted, and rebellious. 
  • Explain that John would be called to help people turn back to God and that this was foretold hundreds of years earlier in the Old Testament. (Isaiah 40:3-4)
  • Isaiah was a prophet in the OT. The prophets spoke for God and sometimes that speaking told about something that would happen later.
  • Introduce John’s righteous parents, Zachariah and Elizabeth. Not all of God’s people had become hard-hearted, and God uses those who have responded to His call. 
  • Briefly tell the facts of the story with simple language, e.g., that the angel told Zachariah and Elizabeth that they would have a special son who would help people turn their hearts to God. No need to go into being filled with the Holy Spirit, Nazarite, etc. Cover the second application about responding to God’s call as you share the example of this couple. 
  • Zachariah and Elizabeth responded to God’s call and obeyed His voice by naming their son John. Everyone expected them to name their son Zachariah following tradition. But John’s parents were not afraid to be different in order to obey God.
  • John also learned to live differently than those around him. He turned his heart fully to the Lord so that he could help others to turn their hearts to the Lord. Share details.
  • It may be helpful to share a practical example from a serving one’s experience of how we made a choice that was following God, but maybe was unpopular among the people around us. 
  • If there is time and burden you can touch on the first application about praying for those around us to know the Lord. However, there will be ample opportunity for this application in the coming lessons.

April 17, 2022

God’s Calling in the NT: In the Gospels – The First Disciples of the Lord Jesus

  • Present a simple background/review. John had responded to God’s call, not worrying about being different. He told people to repent and be baptized. John’s preaching prepared many to follow the Lord. John had been called to do this and he carried out his calling.
  • When the Lord Jesus came preaching (he had been born about 6 months after John) John pointed people to the Lord Jesus. Share the details of the paragraphs in the content. 
  • Emphasize that the disciples followed right away and began to invite others to follow too. Bring in the points from the last application that the way they helped to call people was simple. They invited them to come and see.
  • The first application can be brought in when sharing about Nathaniel. The Lord knew him already and He knows us already too. The Lord is calling us to follow Him. Impress and inspire the children that God knows them, loves them and is calling us.

April 24, 2022

In the Gospels – The Calling of Simon, Andrew, James and John to be Fishers of Men

  • We can use a visual illustration of a fishing net from that time period to show the children. (The suggested Approach asks the children about fishing, but some of our children who grew up in the city may never have gone fishing or seen it, so it will help them visualize.)
  • The Lord Jesus compares people to fish. Like catching fish, the Lord wants us to be “fishers of men.” (Some translations say “catch men alive,” but this may be misunderstood by the children, so we can just use the phrase “fishers of men.”) The Lord cares for all people, and wants people to believe into Him and love Him like we do. Maybe there are some people we don’t think could ever believe in the Lord Jesus because they seem a certain way outwardly. But we should not judge people by what we think — the Lord’s heart is for all people. 
  • The Lord knows where the fish are. Just like He told some disciples (expert fishermen) where to cast the net, we should obey the Lord to pray for those around us and to speak to them what we know.
  • Focus on practical ways the children can pray and speak about the Lord. At this age, they are not necessarily “preaching the gospel” so we should avoid using these spiritual terms. Rather, at this age, the children can testify of the Lord in simple ways. For example, they can mention that their conscience bothered them when they were talking back to their parents, and so they apologized. They can also testify of the Lord by being kind to their siblings and by being honest. They can invite their friends to children’s meeting, and pray for friends who are going through a difficult situation.

May 1, 2022

In the Gospels – The Twelve Apostles

  • The Lord Jesus called 12 disciples and He took care in choosing each one of them. 
  • One point that is mentioned briefly in the beginning, but is important, is that the Lord had compassion for people. He cared about others and cared for others. He needs helpers that also care for others.
  • Take some time to familiarize the children with the names of the 12 disciples. Are any of the children named after one of the 12?
  • As the Lord’s helpers, they needed certain characteristics. These points are very practical. The children may have fun acting out these situations. The first two – immediately and obedient are especially well-suited for this. During this role-play the application points can be emphasized. The last three points can be covered by giving an example as time allows.

May 8, 2022

In the Gospels – Matthew

  • Tie into previous weeks’ lessons: In the New Testament, God called people to follow Him. Those who followed His teachings and His ways were called disciples. 
  • Before the Lord chose the disciples, He prayed. None of them were perfect, but they had some important character traits such as being willing to be corrected.
  • Help them understand that Matthew was not well-liked. (They probably know kids like this in school.) He was a tax collector. They didn’t like his job and probably some of the things he did. But the Lord’s heart is so big and He is so forgiving and this love can change people. Matthew was so happy when the Lord called him. Help the children aspire to have this kind of heart. They don’t have to be best friends with the naughty kid, but a kind word can go a long way to soften someone’s heart. We should not judge. There may be something difficult or sad going on in the child’s life.

May 15, 2022

In the Gospels – Mary the Magdalene

  • Connect to the previous week. Like Matthew, Mary the Magdalene did not have a perfect background and was not someone that you might pick to follow the Lord Jesus. The Lord healed her of many evils. We don’t want to make excuses for evil behavior, but our Lord is able to forgive and heal.
  • Ask the children if they noticed anything about the 12 Apostles….They were all men! Impress the children that the Lord had female followers too. Many of them took care of the Lord and His disciples. Mary the Magdalene is the first we will talk about. She was so happy that the Lord had set her free from her problems that she loved the Lord greatly.
  • Mary and the other sisters mentioned in the lesson took care of the brothers’ needs out of their own money. Emphasize that this was a noble and great deed. They loved the Lord’s word and their service enabled Him to continue to minister.
  • The last part of the lesson of Mary’s faithful and devoted love is very touching and should be told as a wonderful story. Let the word of God touch their heart. No sermonizing needed.

May 22, 2022

In the Gospels – Martha

  • In this lesson, we should not get too “spiritual” with the applications. Rather, tell the story and apply it to times that the children complain about doing more work than others. Without taking the time to connect with the Lord, as Mary did, we can be bitter in our service. The examples in the last application are very practical. Combine the “doing” with the “listening” aspect. If you listen to the instructions carefully and follow them you will make the asker very happy.
  • We need to be both Mary and Martha – listening and loving the Lord, and pleasing Him. In the case of children, they can relate to pleasing their parents.
  • You can play some games giving instructions for a drawing or task that children must follow.

May 29, 2022

In the Gospels – Mary of Bethany (the sister of Martha and Lazarus)

  • Mary from the previous week’s lesson shows that she really was listening to the Lord. She knew what was on His heart. As a result, she poured out completely in a way that pleased the Lord.This is a beautiful, touching story. Take the time to tell it with feeling and let the word speak to the children. There are many practical points in the applications, but in our fellowship we felt there is no need to keep preaching these things to the children. Trust the word to speak and operate and resist the desire to sermonize.

June 5, 2022

God’s Calling in the NT: In the Gospels – Zaccheus

  • There are many details in this lesson, and many applications, but we do not need to bring out all the details.
  • We can make a connection to Matthew, another tax collector, who was called by the Lord. We can remind/ask the children if they remember why tax collectors were not liked.
  • Zaccheus was happy when the Lord called Him. The Lord even knew his name already.
  • With Zaccheus, there was repentance + action. When he met the Lord, his conscience was touched, and he wanted to pay back those he stole from, and to give to the poor. 
  • Sometimes the children may just say “sorry” but it is not from their heart. We need to repent and take action.
  • Other points (such as Zaccheus being determined to see the Lord) can be brought out as part of the story, rather than as a separate application point.

June 12, 2022

God’s Calling in the NT: In the Gospels – God’s Calling of the Paralytic Man

  • We can connect to the prior lesson. Just like Zaccheus thought of a way to solve his problem to see the Lord in the midst of a crowd, the paralytic man’s friends thought of a way to solve their problem of bringing their friend to the Lord in the midst of a crowd.
  • We should NOT highlight the connection between sickness and sin. This is a spiritual concept and we don’t want the children to mistakenly assume that sickness always relates to sin. Not all sickness is from sin.
  • Highlight instead, the point of being a good friend. The paralytic man was unable to get to the Lord himself. These friends were really good friends. They got him onto the roof on a mat, and even dug through the roof. They were determined to get their friend to the Lord.
  • We can mention the point of the Lord being able to forgive sins as part of the story, but this does not have to be the main point. The point of being a good friend may be more relatable to the children at this age.

June 19, 2022

God’s Calling in the NT: In Acts – The Twelve Apostles and other Disciples on the Day of Pentecost

  • For time context, tell the children that this story happens after the Lord already died and resurrected.
  • Because this is a long lesson with a lot of details, in the interest of time, we can cover the story, but leave out details. For example, we can leave out details about all the languages and the different peoples speaking various tongues.
  • Bring out point of not being embarrassed about believing in the Lord. After the Lord was arrested, the disciple Peter denied the Lord three times.
  • But later, after the Lord died and resurrected, and after ten days of Peter praying together with a group of about 120 disciples, Peter became bold to speak for the Lord. The Lord had strengthened them. He was bold to speak about the Lord in front of thousands of people!
  • We can also highlight the importance of prayer. We should not interrupt when others are praying. We can say “amen” (define this for the children as saying “I agree” with what the person is praying).
  • Main point is we are strengthened when we are with others who love the Lord and also through prayer.
  • Instead of craft about languages, to make the point clearer, we can make a craft on a popsicle stick. One side can be an embarrassed, ashamed face (as Peter was), and on the other side of the stick can be a group of lots of people happily speaking for the Lord. 

June 26, 2022

God’s Calling in the NT: In Acts – Stephen

  • Stephen knew the Word of God very well, and was able to speak it accurately and from his heart. We also need to know God’s Word.
  • In covering the lesson, we should do so in a concise way. No need to give all the details of what Stephen spoke, just that he was able to talk in detail about so many Old Testament people.
  • We can talk about martyrdom, but define in a simple way…dying/being killed because of believing in the Lord.
  • Even though we may not be physically killed for our beliefs in this country, there are other countries where people are killed for believing in the Lord Jesus. We may still experience emotional persecution. For example, saying that we believe the Bible as the Word of God, or that God created male and female, may cause others (even adults) to make fun of us. But we need to be like Stephen to speak up for the Lord.
  • Stephen had both God’s Word and practical service (like Mary and Martha). He was a diligent serving one. He served in the practical matters of the church, and he also knew God’s Word very well.

July 3, 2022

In Acts – Cornelius

  • Need to define Gentile – someone who is not Jewish. To the Jews, Gentiles were unclean, not caring for God’s law, especially cleansing and diet.
  • Visual aid of Cornelius lesson will help focus children’s attention. E.g., printout pictures of clean and unclean animals, or bring a blanket and use toy animals as a demonstration.
  • Cornelius prayed to God at set times. He was godly, seeking God and also had a heart for others to know about God.
  • The Lord showed Peter to call no man unclean. God was not partial and did not show favoritism. 
  • God’s heart is for all people to believe in Him.
  • Like Cornelius who had a heart for others, we should be kind and welcoming when we meet new children, whether in children’s meeting or elsewhere. The saints had a strong burden for this point. Help the children practice greeting new children.
  • “Being a true friend to all people” is a tricky point. We recently encouraged children to be careful in choosing friends. Here emphasize that we are friendly toward all, not mean or rude to others who are different than we are. While being careful about who we spend our time with, we should also be welcoming and approachable. 
  • This is a good opportunity to emphasize having the habit of prayer. Ask the children if when they pray – we can suggest praying every morning, every night, at meal times.

July 10, 2022

In Acts – Saul of Tarsus

  • Calling Saul – We should use the term “Saul of Tarsus” and tell them that this is NOT the same as King Saul in the Old Testament. Saul of Tarsus was born much later. 
  • This is an excellent story. Take time to be familiar with the details so that you can tell it well.
  • Include Saul’s upbringing and training in a positive way because God eventually is able to use that after his conversion.
  • Take the opportunity to connect to the recent lesson on Stephen. Saul was holding the coats and approving of such a killing.
  • God called Saul in a dramatic way. Include all the details to impress the children. Saul’s response was to fast and pray.
  • Ananias was obedient to go to Saul and lay his hands on him, indicating the oneness with the brothers. Saul’s response was to be baptized calling on the name of the Lord. This was a strong testimony that Saul had changed.

July 17, 2022

In Acts – Paul, Called to Serve Together with Barnabas and Other Brothers and Sisters

[We decided to move this lesson up to follow Saul of Tarsus]

  • After his conversion Saul is referred to more often as Paul (though not exclusively)
  • Just like Ananias was reluctant to go to Paul, some of the brothers in Jerusalem were reluctant to fellowship with Paul.
  • Barnabas was the welcoming one. (Connect to the role play from 7/3 lesson on welcoming new ones.)
  • Paul and Baranbas served together a lot. As you go over the details in the content, you may want to bring in modern day equivalents: we never serve alone. In children’s meeting we always have at least two serving ones, not just one.
  • Paul took instructions from the brothers in Jerusalem, even though he may have been older or more highly educated.
  • Paul was willing to do what he was asked to do. Maybe you would rather pass out snack, but you are asked to put away chairs, etc.

July 24, 2022

In Acts – Timothy

  • This lesson will be shared once during Family Bible Camp on Saturday 7/23, then again on 7/24 during children’s meeting.
  • The emphasis on 7/23 during Family Bible Camp will be the FAMILY. Timothy was raised knowing the word from a young age thanks to his grandmother and mother.
  • Timothy was diligent and faithful by following the patterns of his grandmother and mother, family members in different generations. He did not look down on his grandmother but received instruction from her in the word of God.
  • We don’t hear about Timothy’s father. He was not in the picture concerning his spiritual upbringing at least. But his grandmother and mother positively influenced him. (This can be an encouragement to those in single family homes or those with a parent not in the church life.)
  • The emphasis on 7/24 children’s meeting will be serving and working with many others. 
  • Timothy worked with Paul who was older than Timothy and also more bold than Timothy. Again emphasize serving with those in different generations. Give some current examples – younger and older saints serving together. A practical example is older sibling and younger sibling both helping their parents carry groceries.
  • Timothy learned from those around him and followed them as his pattern. Eventually Paul charged Timothy to be a pattern. Encourage the children that they are a pattern and example to the children younger than they are. They can even be a pattern to those older in age.

July 31, 2022

In Acts – Lydia and the Jailer of Philippi

  • We decided to split this lesson into two separate weeks to separate the stories of Lydia and the jailer. Cover only the story of Lydia in this week’s lesson time.
  • The details in “facts for teachers” concerning purple dyed cloth are both interesting and relevant. Because the process was difficult, the resulting cloth was expensive.  Lydia therefore made a good living.
  • The apostles trusted the Lord to lead them to those he had prepared. The Lord had prepared the hearts of those the disciples would meet and arranged that they would be there at the same time.
  • Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke served together. Reinforce the points from earlier lessons on Paul and Timothy concerning serving together. Imagine 4 people agreeing to go to a different place than originally planned! They had really learned to follow the Lord’s leading.
  • Remember this lesson, though it does talk about Paul, is about God’s calling and His working all things together in His sovereign arrangement to call people. Lydia’s heart was prepared by the Lord. She was baptized and her whole household, then opened her home. 
  • The first, third and last applications go with this half of the lesson.

Aug 7, 2022

In Acts – Lydia and the Jailer of Philippi

  • This week covers the second part of the story regarding the jailer of Philippi.
  • Trusting God’s sovereign arrangement is an important point in this lesson.
  • Do not complain in difficult or unpleasant situations. Trust the Lord’s arrangement. Paul and Silas were not complaining in prison, rather they were enjoying the Lord, trusting the Lord had allowed this. Paul recognized the opportunity.
  • The prisoners and presumably the jailer were listening to Paul and Silas singing. If they had not been singing the gospel would not have had an impact.
  • Paul and Silas did not run out of the prison after the earthquake freed them. It seems they were focused more on those the Lord had placed around them. The jailer was about to harm himself thinking the prisoners had escaped. But Paul stopped him and told him the prisoners were all still here. 
  • Paul shared the gospel with the jailer and his whole household. The Lord is interested in households. He wants your whole family, household to be for the Lord. 
  • Cover applications 2,3 & 4 emphasizing how they apply to the jailer story.

Aug 14, 2022

In Acts – Aquila and Priscilla

  • Cover the whole lesson
  • The Lord had arranged all things including Priscilla and Aquila’s situation, which was not easy, so that they would meet Paul and together they would serve the Lord.
  • Emphasize this is a couple serving the Lord together. They opened their home for both hospitality and for home meetings.
  • They were kind and compassionate judging from the way they took Apollos aside, not correcting him in front of others but gently correcting him privately. 
  • During our fellowship, saints had the most burden for the first and last applications.

Aug 21, 2022

Jesus is Calling You

In this lesson there are 5 short Bible stories to emphasize 5 points. This first week, cover the first three.

  • The first story shows that the Lord loves you, cares for you and is concerned about you when you are a child.
  • Knowing the word from a young age, as we saw from Timothy recently, will be beneficial to us. Your memory is so good when you are young.
  • Point three about being strong in spirit should be shared along with the corresponding application to make it clear.

Aug 28, 2022

Jesus is Calling You

  • Respeak some of point 1. The Lord wants us to come to Him. We are important to the Lord. Don’t think the Lord only cares for the adults or that only the adults are important.
  • The first story of the 5 barley loaves and two fish shows the importance of a child. Repeat this many times…it was a child who gave the bread and fish; it was a young boy!!
  • The Lord gives to us so that we can open our hands and give. Just like we saw with Lydia a few weeks ago.
  • The point about praising the Lord is best shared with the application. Anecdotes about children speaking something for the Lord in a way that affects the adults can also be helpful.
  • The children can speak about the Lord at their level (not necessarily a full-on gospel), so the experiences we provide should be kept at an age-appropriate level, especially for children who are not yet saved. The children can tell friends, for example, that they go to church meetings on weekends, or that they have a Christian gathering in their home every week, or that they have the habit of praying before a meal. 

The Lord’s Prayer – A Model: Not Being Brought into Temptation

The Lord's Prayer
A Model: Not Being Brought into Temptation, but Being Delivered from Evil

Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding the next few Lord’s Prayer Lessons

March 6, 2022

The Lord’s Prayer — A Model: Not Being Brought into Temptation, but Being Delivered from Evil (1 of 5)

Don’t focus too much on Satan, but rather focus on the practical examples given. This lesson helps the children to know that the evil one, Satan, is the one behind temptation with the goal to damage us on the outside (physical body) and on the inside (mind and conscience).